Building a Healthier Tomorrow: Our Vision for the Future of Employee Benefits

04.06.20 07:01 PM By Forsite Benefits

Forsite was born from a vision to be a force of proactive change in an industry that desperately needed it. Since 2004, the Forsite brand has quietly grown to be a trusted voice of innovation in the employee benefits arena. We stand proud knowing we’ve brought multiple new ideas to market that have impacted lives and produced top line growth, while managing bottom line expenditures.

We believe that benefits are so much more than a line item. They are a reinforcement of your culture and your brand that you communicate to your greatest asset, your people. And yet, with the rising cost of health care, the complexity of insurance plans, and the decreasing health conditions of Americans, they have unfortunately become a nagging thorn in the side for employers. The annual cycle of plan cost increases followed by plan adjustments has done little to bring stability but much to leave a bad taste in the mouths of employees. And so, Forsite has consistently set out to change the game, to be a force for a brighter future, to remove the reactive thinking that brought about the challenges the benefits industry faces today.

We believe in Building a Healthier Tomorrow.

When we set out to communicate a vision to the employer community, we felt the banner of Building a Healthier Tomorrow was really what we’ve waved from day one. This simply puts words to who we are at our core.

So how do we work towards this better tomorrow? It’s a combination of improvements that includes:

1. Healthier Workforces - We believe the primary challenge to insuring a population’s health is not in picking insurance plans; but in engaging employees in how to avoid needing healthcare altogether.

Wellness has evolved drastically in the past decade but the core principles remain – physical activity and a balanced diet are your best defense against long term chronic disease. We did not believe there was an effective off-the-shelf solution for comprehensive wellness so we invested heavily in starting Motion Connected, LLC in 2008. That has branched off into multiple avenues offering options like a wellness management system, myInertia, and a discounted activity device store, The Wellness Outlet.

Together, Motion Connected and Forsite Benefits are proactively pioneering wellness. We believe a healthier workforce is a happier, more productive workforce, leading a company's top line growth.

2. Better Informed Employees – we believe, because of the significant dollars spent on benefits, you need an effective strategy to educate employees on what they’re receiving. Not only is it critical to helping them use their benefit properly, but it is critical to the value they place on the benefit itself.

 In order for benefits to be effectively understood, they must be delivered in a relevant, personal way. That’s why we focus our efforts on mutli-media communications geared to help your people become informed, engaged consumers of your benefits.  

3. More Sustainable Financial Strategies – Getting your workforce healthy and informed goes a long way to making your benefit program sustainable. Yet, it can’t be done without the proper focus on program design, budget strategy and risk management. The rising costs of healthcare have merited fresh ways of seeing insurance coverage. That’s why we invest our energy in maximizing your budget to deliver the most optimal plans for your team.  

4. Streamlined Administration – the tactics required to administer a benefit program and maintain compliance have only changed and grown more complicated over time. That’s why we have built win-win service offerings to help save you and your employees’ time which in turn saves money. We’ve composed a team of experts focused on making your experience with benefits better.

Ultimately, our vision is to help you take back control of your benefits plan. It doesn’t happen overnight, but with some proactive, forward thinking, we can work together to build a healthier, happier tomorrow.

Forsite Benefits