
Blog tagged as pandemic

The Customer Handshake is Gone

AUDIENCE: This webinar is intended for CFOs, business owners, those in leadership roles, and anyone with an interest in new business acquisition & driving revenue.

CONTENT: We are facing change. New business acquisition is always tough. Sales, and, ultimately, your c...

Medicare Part D Notices Are Due Before Oct. 15, 2020

Each year, Medicare Part D requires group health plan sponsors to disclose to individuals who are eligible for Medicare Part D and to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) whether the health plan's prescription drug coverage is credi...

Affordability Percentages Will Increase For 2021

The IRS recently issued Revenue Procedure 2020-36 to index the contribution percentages in 2021 for determining affordability of an employer's plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


For plan years beginning in 2021, employer-spon...

Federal Judge Upholds Hospital Transparency Rule
On Thursday, June 23, 2020, District Judge Carl Nichols ruled in favor of the Trump administration's final rule requiring hospitals to disclose their negotiated prices. The rule was released on Nov. 15, 2019, and set to take effect Jan. 1, 2021.


If you read the title and the words "your expenses" and "your bottom line" stuck out, congratulations. You are a business owner during another recession.

Let's start with the realization that a dollar of revenue is not a dollar of net income. With this logic, expense management be...
